Friday, 27 May 2016


All of our caterpillars are now safely inside their cocoons or chrysalis'.

And Junior Infants have spotted a big problem!!!!
Our caterpillars home will not be big enough for four butterflies!
We put on our thinking caps to come up with a solution today! 
We decided that we needed to find our caterpillars a bigger home before they hatch into butterflies.

Teacher showed us a few different homes we could choose for the caterpillars.

We decided that the basket was best for butterflies as it has a net to let in lots of air for them to breathe, a lid to keep the butterflies safe inside, lots of space so they can fly with their new wings, and it is see-through so we can watch them as they prepare to hatch.
We are excited to meet the butterflies when they come out!!

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