Thursday 24 September 2015

Planting onions!

Today we went to visit the school garden.
The gardener was there to show us around and point out all the different plants.
The gardener asked if we could help her with the very important job of planting onions.
We listened carefully when she showed us how to plant an onion bulb just right in the soil.


We planted 23 onion bulbs that we are hoping will grow into plants.


We will visit the garden again over the next few months to see if our onion plants are growing.
We really enjoyed planting!!!

Thursday 10 September 2015


We are learning the colours in school.

We had so much fun sorting our toys into different colours.
We worked in groups and sorted teddies, shapes, clips and animals into red, green, blue and red groups.
We did a great job working together!

Thursday 3 September 2015

Welcome to Junior Infants 2015/2016

Welcome to Ms. Gilligan's Junior Infants class 2015.
There are 23 children in our class, 11 girls and 12 boys.
We were all really excited for our very first day of Primary School this year.
We took these lovely photos to remember the fun we had on our first day at school.

At the end of the year we will look at these photos to see how much we have grown!